Ethics & Principles
Compassion and Empathy: No matter who you are, what you’re into, or the kind of lifestyle you live, I vow to approach you with an open mind and a mentality of compassion, empathy, and understanding. I am committed to holding a safe space for you to express yourself authentically. It is through vulnerability that deeper intimacy can grow. I honor your openness and willingness to be yourself with me.
Honesty and Authenticity: While I cannot share every detail of my life and background, I promise to present my personality, interests, personal philosophy, and level of expertise truthfully. I completely understand if you don’t know exactly what you want right now—in fact, I’m here to help guide you. It is a privilege to meet you where you are, which requires you to be honest about who you are and forthright about your intentions. I thank you for your honesty and I am deeply grateful that you’ve chosen to put your trust in me.
Consent and Boundaries: I am passionately committed to creating interactions firmly rooted in consent and mutual agreement. Rather than being a barrier to pleasure, establishing boundaries creates a safe container for possibilities where true, abundant pleasure arises. I promise to respect your boundaries and thank you for respecting mine.
Professional Courtesy: Our time together is valuable and our relationship is sacred. Because I care deeply about my clients, I put a significant amount of energy and effort into creating the best possible experience, customized to you as an individual. In return, I kindly ask that you respect me as a practitioner, including respecting my time, compensation, policies, and personal/professional boundaries.
Discretion and Privacy: I fully understand that it can be intimidating to share personal information with someone you haven’t yet met. The screening information I ask for is to ensure my safety and our mutual compatibility. Out of respect for your privacy, this information is deleted after screening is complete. I ask that you also respect my need for discretion by keeping information about me private, and not posting reviews or otherwise sharing details of our time together. I prefer to limit public displays of affection for the sake of discretion. Thank you for understanding.
Social Justice: I am a passionate advocate for social justice. While we need not agree on various social and political issues, I do not under any circumstances tolerate expressions of prejudice, including racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, ableism, classism, etc. I may gently challenge this type of thinking when appropriate, but please note that if I feel uncomfortable, I reserve the right to end our session without granting a refund.
Non-Discrimination Policy: While I always reserve the right to select my clients based on compatibility and my need for safety, I do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, dis/ability, etc. As long as our personalities get along, I am committed to holding space for people from all walks of life. I strongly encourage women, people of color, and transgender/nonbinary clients to apply.